We believe that the Bible is God's inspired revelation to humanity
We believe that humanity was created to be in relationship with God
We believe that humanity's sin has broken that relationship with God
We believe that Jesus is God in the flesh who came to save humanity from Sin and for God
We believe that Jesus' death and resurrection has restored our broken relationship with God
We believe that God's grace works to draw us into relationship with God even before we desire it ourselves
We believe that the church is a community where broken people can grow in their faith and be transformed into the holy people we are called by God to be
We believe that it is the purpose of the church to take the message of the Gospel to the world
If you want to be a part of this community of faith, come join us for worship at 8:00am, 9:00am & 11:15am on Sundays or call us at (606) 324-6961 or email our office for more information.