The Community We Serve
Hillcrest-Bruce Mission serves the Pollard Community of Ashland, Kentucky. Pollard is centered around two large, low-income apartment complexes, the Hillcrest and Bruce Apartments which have a total of 350 units. In addition there are a good number of small rental properties in Pollard. In recent years Pollard, which was determined by the City of Ashland to be one of the two poorest neighborhoods in the area, has been blessed to receive Community Development Block Grant funds which have been used to tear down dilapidated homes and build new ones, as well as repair and refurbish some. A new park has been added and there is a new sense of pride in this community. The Clients We Serve The majority of our clients are young single mothers. 80% of the children we serve come from single parent households. The average income for our clientele is less than $6000 per year. Many of our clients are considered “working poor,” struggling to get by on minimum wage incomes while raising young children. |
Our Dental Clinic
Hillcrest-Bruce Mission offers monthly clinics. These are staffed by volunteer dentists and hygienists from our community. Services offered are teeth cleaning and simple extractions. Unfortunately we are unable to do fillings or extractions that require oral surgery. Typically there is a several month wait because there is a high demand for our low-cost services. If you would like to be put on the waiting list, you may call the mission during office hours. Our Mission The purpose of Hillcrest-Bruce Mission is to embrace, encourage, empower and equip the low-income clients we serve. Through the love and healing grace of Jesus Christ , we assist with their survival by meeting their needs, and add value to their lives by ministering peace and demonstrating God's love for them. For more information, please visit the Hillcrest-Bruce Mission website here;
(606) 324-5723 |